Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
At Addfield we have a range of solutions available to suit all of your incineration and cremation needs.
To help you discover the answers to your most frequently asked questions please choose from one of the categories below.

How much will it cost to import my cremation or incinerator machine?
Typically, there are four main charges to pay:
- Import duty – normally a percentage
- Local tax – normally a percentage
- Terminal charges – normally a small fixed number
- Customs clearances fee – normally a small fixed number
How much Duty will I pay on a machine?
Duty is calculated based of the goods tariff code. This is a universal goods identifier used worldwide.
Use our simple calculator to work out the import duty:
Albania 0.0%
Angola 0.0%
Argentina 14.0%
Australia 5.0%
Benin 5.0%
Botswana 0.0%
Brazil 14.0%
Brunei Darussalam 0.0%
Burkina Faso 5.0%
Burundi 0.0%
Cabo Verde 0.0%
Cameroon 10.0%
Canada 0.0%
Chile 6.0%
China 10.0%
Colombia 0.0%
Comoros 20.0%
Costa Rica 0.0%
Côte d’Ivoire 5.0%
Cuba 10.0%
Dominican Republic 0.0%
Egypt 5.0%
Eswatini 0.0%
European Union 1.7%
Gabon 10.0%
The Gambia 5.0%
Georgia 0.0%
Ghana 5.0%
Guinea 5.0%
Guinea-Bissau 5.0%
Honduras 0.0%
“Hong Kong China” 0.0%
India 7.5%
Israel 0.0%
Japan 0.0%
Jordan 0.0%
Kazakhstan 0.0%
Kenya 0.0%
“Korea Republic of” 8.0%
Lesotho 0.0%
Liberia 5.0%
“Macao China” 0.0%
Madagascar 5.0%
Malaysia 0.0%
Maldives 20.0%
Mali 5.0%
Mauritius 0.0%
Mexico 2.5%
“Moldova Republic of” 0.0%
Mongolia 5.0%
Montenegro 1.0%
Morocco 2.5%
Mozambique 5.0%
Myanmar 3.0%
Namibia 0.0%
New Zealand 2.5%
Nicaragua 0.0%
Niger 5.0%
Nigeria 5.0%
North Macedonia 3.0%
Norway 0.0%
Panama 1.5%
Papua New Guinea 0.0%
Paraguay 1.3%
Philippines 0.0%
Russian Federation 0.0%
Rwanda 0.0%
Senegal 5.0%
Seychelles 0.0%
Sierra Leone 5.0%
Singapore 0.0%
South Africa 0.0%
Switzerland %
Chinese Taipei 3.0%
Tanzania 0.0%
Thailand 0.0%
Togo 5.0%
Turkey 2.0%
Uganda 0.0%
Ukraine 5.0%
United States of America 2.9%
Uruguay 0.0% -
What is the goods tariff code?
The goods tariff code is: 8417100000
What local taxes will I have to pay?
Local taxes refer to the tax you currently pay on typically all goods in country. In some countries this is either known as value-added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST)
In most countries, the average range is between 10-20%. A full list can be found by clicking here.
Who can help me with shipping?
We would suggest using a local customs broker and/or a local freight forwarding company (In many instances a single company will do both). These are experts responsible for preparing and clearing your goods through customs. Customs clearance processes vary from country to country, it is not recommended to take this on yourself. You can find approved brokers on your country’s customs’ website.
How does the paperwork transaction occur – what is the Bill Of Laden?
For international sea freight the Bill of Laden (BOL) defines ownership of the goods. The BOL will be issued in your name. First as a draft copy, this is an opportunity to confirm the details are correct. The BOL is sent to your either as an original or express (a digital copy). This document to then presented to customs to prove you own the equipment that has arrived.
In Europe, where road freight is applicable the Bill Of Laden is replaced a CMR note. An for airfreight an airway bill is used.
What other shipping paperwork do I need?
The following documents are also provided by Addfield.
- Commercial Invoice
This document describes the goods, values and terms of sale. It used by customs to define duty and VAT described above.
- Packing List
This document describes the goods that are contained with the shipment.
Additional documentation maybe raised as required by the countries import process. These documents by Addfield and we will advise accordingly:
- Certificate Of Origin
- Conformity Certificate – typically requiring a pre-shipment inspection
- EUR 1 – Applicable for countries that have a free or reduced rate of duty with the United Kingdom
- Other export documentation does it exist that is country specific. Rest assured Addfield are the international leaders in this sector.
How are the goods shipped and unloaded?
Addfields machines are shipped in dedicated containers (unless otherwise specified).
The shipping term is FCL (Full container load). Whilst this is slightly more expensive compared to a shared container (LCL – low load container) whereby goods are not mixed with our goods also coming to your country the benefits of this shipping method are:
- No chance of other people loading into the same container of damaging your machine.
- If the other parties delay their customs clearance your equipment isn’t delayed.
- Better security for shipments
For information on how we load and how to unload equipment you can find out more information here.
Can you provide me an example breakdown of costs?
As an example, a £20,000 GBP machine being dispatched to Perth, Australia would have the following costs associated to it.
- £20,000.00 Price of equipment.
- £2000.00 Price of shipping the goods CIF (Incoterms – Cost + Freight + Insurance) up to the seaport of Perth (Freemantle Port)
- £1100.00 Duty Cost (Australia = 5%)
- £2200.00 VAT/GST Cost (Australia = 10%)
- £150.00 Customs Clearance Fee / Port / Terminal Fee
- £300.00 Inland freight from the sea port to final destination in the city of Perth
Total Cost: £25,650.00
Is there anything I need to be aware of?
Yes, not clearing your goods and leaving them at port are likely to incur charge demurrage charges. It is important to submit documents and pay fees in a timely manner to avoid such circumstances and use the support of a local customs broker where possible.
The Six Shipping Steps?
- Choose your receiving port
- Nominate a local customs broker/freight forwarder for inland freight
- Ensure the details on the Bill of Laden and other documentation are correct
- Make yourself aware of and pay the local fees in a timely fashion
- Consider the requirements for unloading the equipment
- Enjoy using the equipment