Mining and Camp Site Waste Incineration

Environmentally Sustainable Solutions From Addfield

Incineration Machines Manufactured in Great Britain

Mining and Camp Site Waste Disposal

World Leaders In Hazardous Waste Disposal

A solid waste incinerator has recently become an essential component in modern Mining and Campsite operation.  Reducing the impact upon the environment that these sites can have through sustainably removing the waste at source.

Implemented to safely dispose of all waste produced from straight forward day to day general and medical waste, through to more specialised chemical disposal.

Mining Waste Solution  

Mining has been an essential practice for centuries. Used for extracting key minerals and fuels globally including gas, oil, coal, metals and precious stones.

To source, these important materials most modern mining operations have had to become established in remote locations with minimal transport infrastructures. Meaning that environmental disposal of waste is near impossible.

This is where incineration comes in to provide the solution. Although these sites can be responsible for permanently altering the landscapes that they operate in there is still the ability to control the further damage that they could have through generating harmful waste.

Toxic Waste Cleansing

In the course of operation and processing, all camps will generate an element of toxic waste from operational oil and liquid slurry through to toxic rocks, mixed chemical and contaminated water. Each of which can be incredibly hazardous if disposed of improperly.

To address this Addfield have developed a range of bespoke options to provide machines that can remove the risks to the environment and ensure minimal impact installed on oil sites to gold mines addressing each toxin at its base level and ensuring minimal negative environmental impact.

Not all waste generated on-site will be toxic but it can still be harmful to the environment if not responsibly disposed of. When considering the remote location of many of these operations limited transport options offsite disposal to landfill is not an option.

Managing all of this onsite not only protects the environment it also saves your time and resources enabling the problem to be addressed as it is created. Including oil contamination such as soil and sand, through careful incineration, this hazard can be removed leaving cleaned soil and sand that can be reintroduced back into the environment safely.

Semi-Permanent Campsite Installation

Alongside mining operations, these machines are also being installed on semi-permanent campsites such as refugee camps and for emergency disaster relief. Robust enough for all environments and situation and able to be delivered in a fully containerised solution to enable rapid installation and commissioning. Having options to treat all waste requirements from 100kg a day to 500kg an hour and safely processing. Alongside the experience and expertise to address whatever special waste requirements you may have.

As the majority of these solutions are custom designed for your unique needs it is recommended that you contact to begin your enquiry however you can see the following examples of machines we have previously installed for these uses.

New Business Development Director James Grant

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Call +44 (0)1543 571 280
High Capacity Red Incinerator C100

C100 (1600Kg/per day)

Medical Waste Incinerator

View Product
Addfield Containerised Mining Waste Incinerator

G20 (20Kg/hr)

Mining Waste Incinerator

View Product
G100 Red General Incinerator

G100 (100kg/hr)

General Waste Incinerator

View Product
High Capacity General waste Inicnertar

G200 (200kg/hr)

General Waste Incinerator

View Product
G250 Containersied High Capacity Incineration Machine

G250 (250Kg/hr)

View Product
  • British Designed.
    British Built.
  • World leaders in
    incineration technology.
  • Unrivalled build quality
    & machine longevity.
  • Distributed to more
    than 150 countries.
  • Environmentally
  • Trusted partner, over
    40 years experience.