British manufacturing welding fabrication company
Incineration Machines Manufactured in Great Britain

Exceptional Quality.

Our incinerators are crafted on-site in Britain.

“Simply build them better and give great customer service”

The Addfield values have remained unchanged for over 30 years. The founder of the Addfield Incinerator, Richard Sherratt once said that we “simply build them better and give great customer service”.

This comment has laid the cornerstone of our company’s core values. Addfield will always build a machine fit for purpose rather than for a price point. Our brand and focus on quality is worth more to us than any easily and quickly earned money to be made.

Due to our unique designs, all of the Addfield ranges of machines are individually handcrafted using time served master craftsmen. No other supplier can offer this level of quality and dedication to their products. We make quality products that give excellent payback on investment. Our incinerators and cremators are the most robust and thermally efficient in the industry.

Addfield Sign
  • British Designed.
    British Built.
  • World leaders in
    incineration technology.
  • Unrivalled build quality
    & machine longevity.
  • Distributed to more
    than 150 countries.
  • Environmentally
  • Trusted partner, over
    40 years experience.