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Addfield Labmaster 25 - Small medical waste incinerator

The Labmaster 25 is our ultra-compact laboratory waste incineration machine, ideal for disposing of medical waste types including syringes, surgical tools and protective clothing.

Manufactured with a load capacity of 10kg and a burn rate of 10kg/hr, the Labmaster 25 offers quick and efficient incineration of material and allows for multiple loads per day.

The on-site installation of this machine is very straightforward, and operating the incinerator has never been easier due to our user- friendly, AIC controller and its plug and play system. Waste can be loaded through the front-loading door access area, with the remaining ash residue being removed before the next cycle.

Built with a two-chamber, vertical design, consisting of the primary loading chamber and the secondary combustion chamber, the Labmaster 25 offers a smoke and odourless incineration process.

Incorporating our high standard, insulation refractory lining technique and material, the Labmaster’s chamber retains heat inside the primary chamber, resulting in an even cleaner and more efficient burn.

The Labmaster 25 also has the capability of being a mobile unit. The mobile options include trailers, skid-mounted and containerised.

  • British Designed.
    British Built.
  • World leaders in
    incineration technology.
  • Unrivalled build quality
    & machine longevity.
  • Distributed to more
    than 140 countries.
  • Environmentally
  • Trusted partner with
    40 years experience.