The global leaders in medical incineration
As the global leaders in medical waste incineration, we are committed to expanding the countries and organisations that we work with. Today is the first day of Arab Health one of the worlds biggest Health Care exhibitions that is held in Dubai annually. Continuing our planned international growth, a number of our top incineration experts are over in Dubai representing us in the global marketplace. We’ve already seen the number of countries that we serve increase steadily during the past twelve months and we have recently broken the 100 countries mark, it’s exhibitions like this that give us the edge on the global market.
As we reach the halfway point of the first day we have already welcomed visitors new and old to our stand, which we are manning alongside Jinto Kuruvilla from Lillidale one of our international distributors.
Having taken a quick walk around the show we’ve seen some of the big names in the medical world exhibiting alongside us including Medilink, Bioquell, Life Sciences Wales, and the Harley Street Medical Group.
While we may not always be able to bring full-size incinerators to shows like these, this year we are introducing our VR experience and giving attendees the opportunity to have a look around one of our larger Medical Waste facilities that we are currently working on. If last year is anything to go by we know we are going to have a very busy and successful few days.
In addition to Arab Health we are already in the process of arranging more upcoming shows for the year ahead, this time, however, a little closer to home in. In May we will be at the Pig and Poultry show in Warwickshire as well as AquacultureUK at Aviemore in Scotland. Both shows highlight different aspects of our machines with Pig and Poultry showcasing our Agricultural range and AquacultureUK highlighting our Aqualcultural incinerators. Of course, we will have more shows on the horizon for later in the year and in addition to the ones we attend in person we also have an increasing number lined up with our distributors that we will share with you whenever we can through our social media.
If you are unable to make it to any of our shows and want to learn more about why our machines are the number one choice in quality waste management solutions get in touch with us and we can guide you to the right machine for you.
For further information click here to contact us.
To learn more about the shows visit:
To learn more abou the Addfield range of medical incinerators Click Here
- British Designed.
British Built. - World leaders in
incineration technology. - Unrivalled build quality
& machine longevity. - Distributed to more
than 150 countries. - Environmentally
Responsible. - Trusted partner, over
40 years experience.