International distribution of incineration machines

Could more awards for Addfield be on the horizon?

Further success for Addfield


Further success for Addfield

We are very excited to announce that we have been shortlisted in two categories at this years Staffordshire Chamber Business Awards.  The first category is ‘International Trade’, further recognising the tremendous success we have continued to achieve during the past few years. The second award is in ‘Manufacturer of the Year’, once again celebrating the quality of our construction and what ‘Made in Britain, really means.

As always it really is a genuine honour to be shortlisted for any award which of course we would like to wish all the other companies that we will be up against on the night all the best of luck though we hope to be bringing home both awards on the 4th July.

Of course, without the hard work and dedication of all our team, we would not be able to be considered for these awards, so this really is a group success and something to be proud of so well done team Addfield.

We will keep you updated on the Awards as soon as we know. If you use social media keep your eyes peeled for the hashtag #StaffsBizAwards for the latest news.

For more information please visit


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  • British Designed.
    British Built.
  • World leaders in
    incineration technology.
  • Unrivalled build quality
    & machine longevity.
  • Distributed to more
    than 150 countries.
  • Environmentally
  • Trusted partner, over
    40 years experience.