MP100 Medical Waste management in Guinea Conakry
Having worked with multiple International Aid Agencies over the past ten years we have built up a strong reputation for providing reliable solutions that are designed specifically for the purpose in hand.
As such we are regularly asked to provide replacement machines for installations that have become outdated or inefficient.
We are often surprised at the age and construction of some of these machines still being used when we go to replace them. Sometimes being little more than a brick kiln incinerator and sometimes something a little more modern.
One of our recent upgrade installations was on behalf of Medecines Sans Frontiers in West Africa.
Providing one of our MP100 machines for the National Hospital of D’Hemodialyse in Guinea Conakry to replace an outdated system for managing the hospitals daily waste produced.
Being a busy medical centre the MP100 was selected as it would enable the team to easily destroy potentially hazardous medical waste as it is generated. Able to be continuously loaded throughout the cycle through its front-loading door, improving the site efficiency.
Especially important was the fuel efficiency. We would generally state that our equipment is up to 40% more fuel-efficient due to its advanced construction and premium materials however in this instance the efficiency will be far greater as the machine it was replacing would rapidly lose fuel when loading and in operation.
Our customer was also extremely impressed with the additional operational benefits provided from the dedicated touch screen HMI interface. Allowing them to monitor the operation inside the machine without requiring them to look inside and the added safety features while the incinerator is loaded automatically turning off the burners.
As part of the commissioning full training was given by Emmanuell Eikhenomian. Our engineer based in Nigeria who manages most of our installations across Africa. The training covered the operation, servicing and maintenance which enabled the users to see every element of the machine and the benefits it will bring. The machine it replaced was powered by one single burner across two chambers delivering very slow and ineffective results. They expressed how impressed they were by the fact that the MP100 comes with three burners one directly into the loading chamber a second providing Hot Hearth underfloor heating and a third purely for the flue gasses in the secondary chamber ensuring that only clean emissions are returned into the environment.

A real improvement over their old machine and one that we are confident will be in operation for many years to come.
As highlighted by the director of engineering at the National Hospital of D’Hemodialyse.
“I have had the privileged to have received the training here. In the installation and usage of the MP100 machine. From Mr Emmanuel from Nigeria.
During the training here I have seen lots of advantages that are linked to the machine.
With our old machine if there was a fault You would have to wait a long time before you could see the problem in the machine. With the Addfield controller, you can see where the fault is, it tells you what it is so you can reduce the time to fix, which is very important to us.
Considering it is a very big machine that does a very good job It consumes little fuel. In summary, it is very economical and ecological and the service is very, very easy. With the MP100 we have no more headaches about the environment.
Thanks a lot Addfield.”