Is this the future of sustainable energy?
Sustainable technology is becoming increasingly essential in today’s world. Finding ways to solve more than one problem at the same time is not only environmentally critical it can also be financially beneficial as well.
As the principal by-product from incineration is heat, which in most cases just flows harmlessly out of the chimney and into the air. However hot air has many valuable uses when properly managed. The Addfield Farm-50 is an innovative approach to helping you to convert ‘Waste ‘ to ‘Energy’ which in turn saves you money. In brief, the Farm-50 enables you to produce clean and more importantly free energy as a direct result of processing your dead/fallen stock.
The Farm 50 is a compact unit that fits onto an A30 incinerator (other models are also connectable). The energy is created externally to the incinerator by a heat exchanger to ensure a fully safe and green energy source. The heat exchanger draws it’s heat externally from around the flue/stack drawing the heat into an accumulator which connects to a traditional heating system that can then be used to produce a steady flow of hot water or hot air. This can then be utilised in the heating of external buildings, barns, sheds, farms and other spaces.
The Farm 50 is primarily designed for use within the poultry industry however other variants are available for other forms of waste. With the benefits for the poultry industry beyond being able to generate up to 4000 litres of hot water an hour just from processing fallen stock. Being able to manage your own fallen stock has multiple benefits from the pure financial element where external waste collection agencies are no longer charging weekly for collections, the unit can quickly pay for itself. More essential is the increased biosecurity and reduction in risk of Avian Flu and other outbreaks. Being able to quickly manage any waste as well as restrict the number of visitors on site massively reduces the chance of cross-contamination from visitors which has been found to be a high risk during Bird Flu outbreaks.
With more than 30 years experience producing some of the strongest machines available Addfield prides itself on consistently being at the forefront of Thermal Treatment and believe it will only be a matter of time before more farmers realise the potential returns available from managing their own waste.
With no additional permits required and farmers across the UK able to access RHI ( Renewable Heat Incentive) grant funding as well as the potential for additional income from a tariff payback from the Farm Energy Centre based in Stoneleigh. Add that into the standard 40% reduction in operating costs down to the advanced thermally efficient construction of all of the Addfield Incineration range and you should think about how much you could be losing by not managing your waste more effectively.
Is it time to ask yourself why not, to a safer farm, smaller carbon footprint and lower costs. To find out more about the opportunities available to you from ‘Waste to Energy’ call James Grant on +44 (0)1543 571 280
- British Designed.
British Built. - World leaders in
incineration technology. - Unrivalled build quality
& machine longevity. - Distributed to more
than 140 countries. - Environmentally
Responsible. - Trusted partner with
40 years experience.