Advancing pet cremation technology
We have always prided ourselves on the quality of our technology. Developing a growing selection of approaches to our core industries. It was through such innovation that helped us to secure a number of exciting developments for the largest pet cremation company in Europe and one of the worlds leading providers.
Our customer, based in France has numerous pet crematoriums branching out across Europe and have been at driving edge of the industry for more than 25 years. They have always operated the most advance crematoriums available. Delivering the greatest levels of service to their customer.
As their pet crematoriums demand far exceeding the majority of pet crematoriums they have always required a more specialised approach to maintain pace. In 2018 we were approached to work with them to develop an exciting new range of multi-chambered machines designed for high throughput crematoriums and adapted from our existing A50-IC range.
One of the main reasons that they chose to work with us was our clear commitment to delivering the right solution for the job favouring premium materials and attention to machines that are built to meet their growing demand whilst being able to be relied upon to last. Sharing many of the core values and operational principals made the working relationship a pleasure.
Having a reputation built around caring for all customers and pets during the time of grief. Delivering a warm welcoming and loving environment to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Our client expected machines that looked as impressive and approachable as possible as such stainless steel cladding was selected to provide a crisp and clean outer appearance to our machine. As with all our Pet cremation range the respectful processing of the pet is just as important an aspect as any other.
Premium Stainless Steel Cladding
The initial order covered multiple customised A50IC-1, A50IC-3, A50IC-4, and a fully custom A50IC-5.
Each machine went through a complex number of specific adjustments and alterations to provide the best solutions for each site’s needs and requirements. As a result, every machine was unique to our customer and perfectly adapted to the need of the site it was installed on.
These machines have been installed across Europe in Poland, Germany, and France and are able to handle as many as 60 full-sized pets individually per day which is an incredible achievement.
This project has been extremely rewarding as each machine, location and country brought with it a selection of unique requirements. Installing a Flue Gas Scrubber in Germany and adding a custom-designed chamber for extra-large pets for one of the machines in France.
This project has included:
- Induced Hot Hearth Pet Cremation
- Remote Login
- Fully bespoke machines
- Oversized chambers for very large pets
- Individual chamber timings
- 02 Sensor
- Dust Sensors
It has been a fantastic honour to have been trusted with such a unique selection of machines as this and we are very impressed with the results and professionalism of all of our customer managed pet crematoriums
The results of this collaboration have been a selection of machines that stand head and shoulders above the standard machines that many other currently offer the market and has been a dynamic shift forward in our approach to Pet Cremation
Each project was produced as a turn-key operation delivering a fully self-contained solution that once commissioned would be highly sophisticated yet simple to use and maintain.
We are proud of our interational workforce all of which were instrumental in communicating in multiple languages alongside delivering training and support direct to the customers and operatives. This included Control panels and manual in French, Spanish and Polish
We have many years experience designing pet cremators that deliver highly respectable solutions to providers as well as grieving pet owners. Having worked with many providers over the years to pet cremators that can sit comfortably within calm and clean facilities adapting the visuals of the machine to suit the customers expectations with smooth stainless steel cladding.